So back when the shiny new Space Marine codex came out I was one of the many who came down with Vulkan fever. Twin linked meltas and flamers? Yes please! I immediately bought way too much Space Marine stuff (can you have too much) and started an army. I now have a wide range of Salamanders to choose from for a great variety of games. One thing I might have went overboard with is buying Terminators. Salamanders love their terminators right? Right! So I have 40+ different terminators, half of which have never been used in a game, because well, there aren't enough slots!
But a few weeks ago something wonderful happened. They FAQ'd Dark Angels. I don't like Dark Angels, never have, too many secrets. But I figured "hey, every chapter has an elite first company, better yet they're still green!" So this is my approach at the Salamander DeathWing or Fire Drakes as they're known.
Belial w/ Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
Chaplain Interrogator w/ Terminator Armor
5 Terminators
Company Banner upgrade
Apothercary upgrade
4 w/ TH/SS
1 w/ Cyclone Missle and Chainfist
5 Terminators
4 w/ TH/SS
1 w/ Heavy Flamer and Chainfist
5 Terminators
2 w/ TH/SS
1 w/ Cyclone Missle and Chainfist
2 / Powerfist and Storm Bolter
5 Terminators
2 w/ TH/SS
1 w/ Cyclone Missle and Chainfist
2 / Powerfist and Storm Bolter
Venerable Dread
multi melta
heavy flamer
extra armor
in Drop Pod
Heavy Support
Crusader w/ pintle storm bolter
Land Raider w/ pintle storm bolter
2000 pts
4 scoring units
10 kill points
25 models
The plan: So Belial and the Chaplain will ride with the command termie squad in the crusader. The other CC squad can ride in the other land raider. They can start on the table and in the first turn you can deep strike in one of the 2 termie squads in reserve. Then hopefully around turn 3 or 4 you get a dread comin in and the other termie squad.
I really like the idea of Belial with a command squad of termies. 2+ save with 3+ invlun, and FNP? I'm salivating. I could trade out the 2 land raiders and get 2 more squads of termies to come in, but Land Raiders are just fun and fit the fluff. The Dread may not do too great but again I'm a fluff player and I think he fits in really well. The chappy is just there to get some rerolls in CC. I'm used to TH rerolls with my sallies so I think that squad should be pretty amazing.
This may not be the most amazing list but should be fun to play and in my opinion is the most important thing. I think it may also be a tough list to play since I'll most likely be outnumbered even my Grey Knights. But seeing this many Salamander termies on the table should be a really cool sight.
Now if I can just figure out a way to get those flamers and meltas twin linked again......
Comet Lord Miniatures - New Patreon Offer
1 hour ago
Thanks for picking up the slack on "Hobby List of the Week". And to do a "counts-as" army when the big internet fad these days is to hate these armies. I like the theme and the 1st Company of any chapter could/should use the Deathwing list.
ReplyDeleteI mean really Dark Angels are heretics any ways so looks like I need to build up a quick Chaos version for myself. Space Marines with spikes, oh noes, I will never figure out what army you're playing if your Space Marines are not the colors of the ones in GW's codex. Haha, awesome, get it together and get to the house for a whipping.
Ah don't be hatin. Don't make me break out the Thousand Sons again. I won't use the dread this time, he was your best player last game :)