I am currently attempting to compile spreadsheets for each of my armies. Each spreadsheet will show all models I have for army in the unit setups I built them for. My "Unit OCD" won't allow me to move models from one unit to the next, I only take away models for points allowance. It took me a couple hours this weekend to go through all my 40k figures and do a quick inventory. Now that I have this I am now compiling it into the sheets. The first army I started with was my Chaos Space Marines. I was a little surprised when the point totals came in around 8300 points. I wish I could get more of them painted, but have now decided on the fact that I should just wait until my daughter is old enough to help, haha. She is gonna be 2 years old soon and is really interested in my models now. Nap time is pretty much the only time I can get away with doing any work on them really. Ok, so on with the list. Below is everything I have built with a small list of planned additions when funding is available.
Abaddon the Despoiler
Kharn the Betrayer
Huron Blackheart
Fabius Bile
Lucius the Eternal
Daemon Prince
Daemon Prince of Nurgle
Mark of Nurgle
Chaos Lord of Slaanesh
Mark of Slaanesh
Daemonic Steed
Daemon Weapon(Blissgiver)
Personal Icon
Chaos Lord(Night Lords)
Terminator Armor
Pair Lightning Claws
Personal Icon
Mark of Khorne
Chaos Lord(Night Lords)
Power Weapon
Plasma Pistol
Personal Icon
Mark of Khorne
Chaos Lord (Night Lords)
Power Fist
Personal Icon
Mark of Khorne
Chaos Lord
Power Fist
Personal Icon
Chaos Lord
Power Weapon
Plasma Pistol
Personal Icon
Chaos Lord of Khorne
Mark of Khorne
Daemon Weapon(Bloodfeeder)
Personal Icon
Chaos Lord(Night Lords)
Power Weapon
Personal Icon
Mark of Khorne
Chaos Sorcerer(Night Lords)
Personal Icon
Plasma Pistol
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle
Mark of Nurgle
Personal Icon
Nurgles Rot
Possessed Chaos Space Marines
6 Possessed
Icon of Tzeentch
Chosen Chaos Space Marines
9 Chosen
4 Flamers
Aspiring Champion
Power Weapon
Chaos Dreadnought(ForgeWorld NightLords)
Twin-linked Autocannon
Heavy Flamer
Chaos Dreadnought(ForgeWorld Nurgle)
Twin-linked Lascannon
Chaos Terminators(Black Legion-Abaddons)
10 Terminators
Icon of Tzeentch
2 with Reaper Autocannon/Chainfist
4 with Combi-Bolter/Power Weapon
2 with Combi-Bolter/Power Fist
1 with Combi-Flamer/Power Weapon
1 with Combi-Melta/Chainfist
Chaos Terminators(Forgeworld Nurgle Conversions)
7 Terminators
Icon of Nurgle
1 with Heavy Flamer/Chainfist
1 with Combi-Melta/Chainfist
1 with Combi-Melta/Power Weapon
1 with Combi-Flamer/Power Weapon
1 with Combi-Flamer/Power Fist
1 with Combi-Bolter/Power Weapon
1 with Combi-Bolter/Power Fist
Chaos Space Marines(Fabius Bile's Boys)
20 CSM
2 Plasma Guns
Icon of Khorne
Aspiring Champion
Power Fist
Chaos Space Marines(Night Lords)
10 CSM
2 Plasma Guns
Icon of Khorne
Aspiring Champion
Power Weapon
Plasma Pistol
Rhino(Forgeworld Nightlords Door Kits)
Chaos Space Marines(Night Lords)
10 CSM
2 Flamers
Icon of Khorne
Aspiring Champion
Power Fist
Rhino(Forgeworld Nightlords Door Kits)
Khorne Berzerkers(ForgeWorld Conversions)
8 Berzerkers
Skull Champion
Power Fist
Personal Icon
Plague Marines(GW Metals)
7 Plague Marines
2 Meltas
Plague Champion
Power Fist
Personal Icon
Plague Marines(GW Metals)
7 Plague Marines
2 Meltas
Plague Champion
Power Fist
Personal Icon
Plague Marines(GW Metals)
7 Plague Marines
2 PlasmaGuns
Plague Champion
Power Fist
Personal Icon
Plague Marines(GW Metals)
7 Plague Marines
2 PlasmaGuns
Plague Champion
Power Fist
Personal Icon
Fast Attack
Raptor Squad
8 Raptors
2 Meltas
Aspiring Champion
Power Fist
Plasma Pistol
Raptor Squad
8 Raptors
2 Flamers
Aspiring Champion
Power Weapon
Plasma Pistol
Raptor Squad
6 Raptors
2 Plasma Pistols
Aspiring Champion
Power Weapon
Plasma Pistol
Raptor Squad
8 Raptors
2 Plasma Pistols
Aspiring Champion
Pair Lightning Claws
Heavy Support
Obliterator Cult
3 Obliterators
Land Raider(ForgeWorld Khorne Upgrades-Berzerkers)
Daemonic Possession
Summoned Daemons
Greater Daemon(Great Unclean One)
Summoned Lesser Daemons(Plague Bearer Models)
7 Lesser Daemons
Summoned Lesser Daemons(Fantasy Pestigor Models)
7 Lesser Daemons
Total Points Built - 8282 points as equipped above
Planned Additions
Forgeworld World Eaters Dreadnought with Dual CCW
Forgeworld Nurgle Plague Hulk(counts as Defiler)
Forgeworld Brass Scorpion
Nurgle Plague Tower converted from BaneBlade
Ok, that's everything I have built for my Chaos army. I still have around 60 more Plague Marines laying around and about 10 more Raptors. Soon, I will add posts for my Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Witch Hunters, Daemon Hunters, and Kroot. I will eventually put up some pics of these armies when I get a chance to set them all up. And if the above looks bad, spaced out, apparently I suck at copy and paste.
Corvus Belli - New Preview
8 hours ago
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